This sounds Christamsy, doesn’t it? You may wonder why
Christmasy in May? Well with the weather we are having lately in Bucharest (and
from what I hear, all over the world) you no longer understand what season is it.

Getting over the season and the cranky weather, white and
read is a damn nice combination. The strong wild red tempered by the gentle, innocent
white create quite a pleasant site for the eyes. And it can be worn both in
winter AND summer, just be wear how you mix your items and the seasons (who
would be crazy enough to wear white pants in December?) We already established
that it sounds (and looks) Christmasy, wintery but the same combination can
bring a marine look to your outfit (or in my case, a vintage one)
So yeah, I strongly recommend you “frost” your red clothes
with some white and see what you will get out of this.
As for me, I picked a summery vintage look with a white pair
of jeans and a white&red checkered top (plus my red hot lipstick that is
not very obvious in this pic) and a more wintery one with a red dress “frosted”
with a white shirt with large sleeves
(another vintage look item)
How about you my bubbly bubbles, do you dare to share your
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