Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Little blue riding hood

How are you today my bubbly bubbles?
I am blue! No  no, not the mood, I'm ok with that, I'm just wearing blue.
Remember when I asked you about the star color in your wardrobe? Did you decide which is it? 
Well I have some predominant neutrals in my wardrobe, but one of my star colors is BLUE! Since I was a kid I decided this would be my favorite color and every time I have to chose one, I go with blue. 
So today I'm presenting to you one of my totally blue outfits (as you can see I have some blues that can be worn together but can also be matched with other clothes I own, and this is not all the blue I own)
 And the advice for you: pick a star color for your wardrobe (or at least a star color for this season) and work with it. When you go shopping, think about it and buy items to match it, to complete it, to make it brighter, shinier, more classy or funnier. 
Think about the item you already have (lets say a blouse) and get new items to go with it (pants, skirts, shoes, bags, jewelry)
Pick your color and find out what are the other colors that go best with it. When you go shopping, try to buy items in the matching colors and shades. 

This is it for today, enjoy the rest of the day my bubbly bubbles! 

PS: Most of the items in the above pictures are from SH shops. As for the rest, the socks are H&M, the shoes are my Doc Martens stars and the ring from Peaceful people handmade jewelry 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Be naughty or nice

Howdy my bubbly bubbles!

Today I'll continue the discussion stared yesterday, about this autumn's color: Burgundy
Here are my examples for wearing it, two completely different ways.

The firs one, is a very bold option. a bit naughty and perky: a colorful pair of feathery leggings in matching colors (blue, green, yellow, red, white) and a see trough brownish blouse. I decided this sunny days requires a noticeable outfit 

As for the second option, this is the nice one, the good child outfit. I went for (almost) all black, with a shirt topped by a vest and a pair of black simple leggings, spiced up a bit with the melon hat and a vintage brooch. 

Both these outfits go great with the burgundy boots, so now you can see for yourself (trough my experiments) that the color can be paired with so many other colors, and in such different ways. 

Also this is an example of how the same piece of wardrobe can be warn in two (or more) completely different outfits, and this goes for any item in your closet. 

Now you should try 2 different styles for an item in your wardrobe, maybe a burgundy one also.
The decision is yours my bubbly bubbles, be naughty or nice! 

PS: I have new nails made by the precious Sascha, you should pay her a visit

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Burgundy spotted

Guess who's been spotted on the city streets! Me of course. Last week, a pretty young lady stops me on the street and asks me if I have time for a few street style pictures for the Romanian  news paper Adevarul...and the outcome is clear, I accepted. So my funny look and my new winter hat are definitely the center of attention 

I bought the hat to match my Bordeaux boots, a color that is very much in trend this year. And of course I've started thinking "What else would match? What other colors match this trendy burgundy shade? "
Did you think burgundy is a hard matching color? Well you were wrong, here is a list with the matching colors:
 - Red
 - Black and White
 - Brown light shades, beige, creamy, caramel, mustard yellow
 - Pale orange
 - Blue
 - Green (especially army or forest green)
 - Grey
 - Pale pink
So as you can see for yourself, this color allows so many combinations, that it is starting to seam hard to pick your best suited option.

As for me, I'll  go for pairs with blue and pink, maybe some grey. I also have some army green and mustard yellow on my list , my shopping list (you caught me). And of course the obvious and easy to wear black 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Be brave and bold, try something new!

How are you my bubbly bubbles?
I am good, as good as I can be on Monday but I'm gonna try to see the bright side, the day is half over.
I have for you a let's call it futuristic subject: the Steam Punk style.
This summer, I have noticed some pictures from a steam punk wedding that fascinated me completely! The people looked as if they've just been pulled out of a fantasy book, and even if I already knew they are real, I felt like I wanted to join their story. Here's a photo from that wedding (hope they'll not get upset with me for using it, but they are totally gorgeous).
And funny thing, another picture of them popped into my attention these days, when surfing the internet, from a fashion show 

I love the style, but even I have to admit that these are not costumes to be warn on a daily basis, so how can I add a bit of it in my outfits? So with this thought in my head (and an older dream of wearing an old aviator pair of goggles) I started surfing the internet for finding more steam punk items and found this site with steam punk handmade jewelry.

 If you want spice up your outfits and add a bit of fantasy to your outfits, you'll find here some very creative earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings, all in the steam punk style and with different shapes and colors. I now have my eyes on some items to match my clothes (especially the blue shoes and the bordeaux boots): a blue necklace and ring (they don't come together but I'd take them both); these sweet earrings and this necklace (this is just to begin with)

I feel this is the beginning of a beautiful "love story" and I encourage you to be bold enough and try adding to your collection such an item. May advice for the day is : add some bold accessories to your outfits! Spice up your wardrobe a bit! With a statement necklace, a big ring, a colorful bracelet you can get any outfit out of the ordinary, you can add class and style to it.

This would be all for today my bubbly bubbles, be brave  and bold, try something new! 

As for me, I can barely wait to get myself a steam punk piece of jewel.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Say whaaattt!!

I am not well today. This weather changes got me down with a nasty cold and you'd think I would settle down.
Think again! I guess the cold made me even crazier, look at me acting silly with a warm weather sweater and a funny beanie, am I not the funniest sick person? 
I've accompanied Galina yesterday, she was shopping for her 3 moths old niece and guess what happened....I got something for myself, the funny Say whaaaatt! beanie (of course after trying a few others...and I still have my mind on one more)

And the advice for today: start wearing the colors of the season. It's autumn, it is time to give up the strong and fresh summer colors and adopt the mellow leaves colors. 
For this autumn I picked the Bordeaux nuance that I totally adore. I started with the boots and now every time I am in a shop I find myself looking for items to match this color.
With this thought, let me give you a second advice: When you decide to shop for an item , make sure you have in your wardrobe, other items to match it . And if you don't own anything like that, think twice and decide weather you are able and willing to start buying items to match it. 

Happy autumn shopping my bubbly bubbles, and keep yourself away from the cold!