Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Be naughty or nice

Howdy my bubbly bubbles!

Today I'll continue the discussion stared yesterday, about this autumn's color: Burgundy
Here are my examples for wearing it, two completely different ways.

The firs one, is a very bold option. a bit naughty and perky: a colorful pair of feathery leggings in matching colors (blue, green, yellow, red, white) and a see trough brownish blouse. I decided this sunny days requires a noticeable outfit 

As for the second option, this is the nice one, the good child outfit. I went for (almost) all black, with a shirt topped by a vest and a pair of black simple leggings, spiced up a bit with the melon hat and a vintage brooch. 

Both these outfits go great with the burgundy boots, so now you can see for yourself (trough my experiments) that the color can be paired with so many other colors, and in such different ways. 

Also this is an example of how the same piece of wardrobe can be warn in two (or more) completely different outfits, and this goes for any item in your closet. 

Now you should try 2 different styles for an item in your wardrobe, maybe a burgundy one also.
The decision is yours my bubbly bubbles, be naughty or nice! 

PS: I have new nails made by the precious Sascha, you should pay her a visit

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