Thursday, October 2, 2014

Say whaaattt!!

I am not well today. This weather changes got me down with a nasty cold and you'd think I would settle down.
Think again! I guess the cold made me even crazier, look at me acting silly with a warm weather sweater and a funny beanie, am I not the funniest sick person? 
I've accompanied Galina yesterday, she was shopping for her 3 moths old niece and guess what happened....I got something for myself, the funny Say whaaaatt! beanie (of course after trying a few others...and I still have my mind on one more)

And the advice for today: start wearing the colors of the season. It's autumn, it is time to give up the strong and fresh summer colors and adopt the mellow leaves colors. 
For this autumn I picked the Bordeaux nuance that I totally adore. I started with the boots and now every time I am in a shop I find myself looking for items to match this color.
With this thought, let me give you a second advice: When you decide to shop for an item , make sure you have in your wardrobe, other items to match it . And if you don't own anything like that, think twice and decide weather you are able and willing to start buying items to match it. 

Happy autumn shopping my bubbly bubbles, and keep yourself away from the cold! 

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