Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Return of the Me

I've been traveling again last week, to the Teius (Alba) factory and to a beautiful Romanian town, Sibiu. But as it was a business trip again, I didn't get to see many things, just a few car window landscapes  and the view from the balcony.But that's better than nothing. Oh yeah, and we made a couple of stops on our way there so I did get the chance to take some pictures. I'll show you some these days.
But today you'll have glance at my new hair cut and on the clothes I wore in the office.
I told you my birthday is coming and my man (as a perfect boyfriend and the great guy that he is) already gave me my present, a bunch of hand made accessories, yes a hole bunch of them.
I'll display them here one by one in time and I'll start with the ones I wore today, a winged ring and a silvery necklace. If you want something similar, you'll find more at Peaceful People Handmade Jewellery

And for all these pretty pictures, in the office or on the road, I have to thank my sweet new colleague, Galina . So Galina, thank you for the help and for the patience! :D

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