Thursday, April 3, 2014

What do black clouds and flowers have in common?

Today I woke up to see a big bad dark cloud but that could not ruin my day or my Spring. That's because I have a few "flowers" in my life to brighten up the day. I have 2 little babies in my life - one is my boyfriends niece, a future fluffy astronaut (as her mother likes to say)  and the other is my friend's baby boy whom I have just seen last evening, a very very happy baby, laughing already with his entire face. 
And I also have my sleepy head boyfriend to make me smile every morning, so no cloud can darken my days...even better, the sun decided to show up after lunch.

For a dark day I picked a black outfit...but not entirely. You can recognize my lovely DR Martens shoes from previous posts and I've also shown you the Terranova shirt before, but only on the hanger. On may neck I added the H&M short golden chain necklace, this is its first day out'and I am wearing it proudly even if I thought I'd never own something similar...oh and how could I forget, my black and white dotted socks from Calzedonia

1 comment:

  1. nu stiam ca iti plac asa de mult copilashi :)
    imi face placere :) si eu ii iubesc pe tooooooti ! :P
    pup u
