Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Boots ballerina

Didn't I promise you colors this winter? Well here I am! A pink and Bordeaux blouse and winter colors knee high socks. Because yes, winter also has colors, you just have to discover them.
You can go with the autumn-winter colors (Bordeaux, navy blue, mustard yellow) or you can try the full winter colors (red and green in all shades and tones plus the snowy white).
Be bold, not only on Christmas, but all winter long! Start wearing your Christmasy sweaters, your warm fluffy colorful socks, and your many cold weather accessories (hats, scarves and gloves). Go ravage the shops in search of accessories and pick the most colorful (matched together, of course). There’s no need for you to buy all colors, just go for one you like best and make it your winter signature.
Take my example; I've decided to be a boots wearing ballerina. It’s time you try on your winter costume. Pick your role and get out there, on the winter’s scene! 

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