Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Red lips for cold sunny days

Hello my  bubbly bubbles? Missed me? Here I am again, you know I never actually disappear, I'm just not constant. 
These few days it felt pretty much like winter, we even had a few snow flakes, so I haven't really been in a pretty clothes mood. But we need to adjust to the weather and get back to looking good, weather is not an excuse for lazybones. 
I'm getting ready for snow,my own way, with a new pair of red boots. And starting with the red boots, I must get some red clothes, of course (I need a shopping session to freshen up my wardrobe). And wearing one of the few red items I own, I remembered red is definitely the best color for me, so expect some readish outfits for this coming winter.

Now the task for today: What is the best color for you? What color best suits you? I'm sure you know what that is, make sure you don't avoid it (as I did for so long). No matter the season, you color must always be present in your wardrobe. 

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