Saturday, March 22, 2014

Blue heart

I've been on a business trip for 3 days and, as you know me, I have to show of my stile everywhere I go.
I've started wearing my Martens a bit more often and this time I decided to match them with a navy stripes large blouse and a pair of black leggings. I bought an awesome necklace from a friend to match by blue beauties, a Blue Heart (it resembles the Titanic necklace, Heart of the ocean) necklace that I am sure you'll enjoy...and maybe even want one for yourself. I encourage you to check out my friend's page to pick at least one of her impressive accessories at Poxylandia4you .
As spring is here, I've enjoyed her warm sun even better now with my H&M golden aviator sunglasses that I of course wore all these 3 days on the road.
After all this introduction, here's my first road trip outfit

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